Thursday, 27 November 2008

Self-study Friday

Lecture and seminar preparation:

1. Look for the following words/terms and find a definition. One way to do this is to type, for example, biometrics definition into Google and this will give you the meaning and links to relevant sites.

facial recognition
DNA profiling
number plate recognition
electronic tagging
police database


Read p.43 which describes the topics and issues which you will discuss in Monday's seminar. Start your research for the seminar by visiting websites, taking notes on what you find and posting your comments / ideas on your blog. What you post must NOT be just cut and pasted from articles. What I want to see is YOUR OWN IDEAS AND ANALYSIS of what you have found out. Try to THINK CRITICALLY about what you read and relate it to the topics on p.43.

The following websites (some of them are in your book p.43) will be useful:


Electronic tagging

Police National DNA database


DNA Databases

Privacy International


Privacy lecture

Online Surveillance

Good luck and have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Vikram Waghmare said...

Thanks jim
for putting website on your blog
that was very very helpfull for me and
Thank you very much for putting links about IELTS writing and other. B'cos from last many days I am wondering about writting sample essays and tips.
Always put the web site on your blog so we can take benifits from them.
and have a good weakend