Thursday, 20 May 2010

Reading the news

Here are some links to recent news stories for you to read:

A scientific breakthrough

For help with vocabulary, you might like to try this simple website:
Copy and paste the article or part of it into the 'Learn English Text' or 'Vocabulary Builder' and it will help you with the difficult vocabulary.
Or, if you prefer, just use a dictionary like this (the idioms section of the Cambridge dictionary is good)

Another thing you can try to do is look in the texts for examples of the different grammar structures you've studied this month - can you find conjunctions, relative clauses, conditionals, phrasal verbs etc.

Or you could try to write a short summary of one or two of the texts.

Or find other articles in different newspapers related to the same topic. How do the writing styles differ? What about the opinions?
A good way to understand what a newspaper is like and the kind of people who read it is to look at the comments posted at the end of articles.

Or you could watch something from BBC IPlayer. For example,
(Some of the library computers might need a Flash player upgrade for this - so you might need to watch it on your own computer if you're interested.)

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