Tuesday, 11 January 2011

Globalisation research...

In class today we watched the beginning of a couple of videos about globalisation:
Here they are:

Globalisation is good

The New Rulers of the World

To get you started on your research, here are a few websites which you might find useful:

Yale Global Online - take a look at some of the essays, video and so on. Very useful. Also has some good links to other online resources

Global Transformations - some useful information here, linked to a series of books (quite political this one...)

Guardian Special Report - for newspaper related to global issues

BBC Globalisation - A look at some of the multinationals involved

ESRC - the Economic and Social Research Council can be a good place to look for research

Warwick University - Warwick has a Centre for globalisation research (look at the 'Working Papers series)

The Globalization Website - quite a good introduction to the subject

Globalization101 - another good introduction to some of the concepts

A quick search for globali*ation in the LondonMet library catalogue gave me 1503 results. These can be narrowed down to online resources, journals, books etc.

Why did I write globali*ation? Because I wanted to look for the same word spelt with either 's' (British spelling) or 'z' (US spelling).
When searching Google or Google Scholar, you can do the same by adding ~. Try searching for ~globalisation in Google - it should return results with -s or -z. It will give you about 24 million results!!
This week we'll have a look at how to narrow down your search...

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