Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Improve your research skills (EAP 1 and EAP 2)

A really useful source of information about research skills can be found on the INTUTE website.
I'd like you to work through the tutorial for your subject (or the closest subject you can find). I've put some general questions below which I would like you to think about as you work through the tutorial.

INTUTE - Virtual training suite

1. Why do you need to be careful when using the Internet for research?

2. What does 'peer review' mean?

3. What is the 'links basket'?

4. How can you access subscription journals?

5. What is a key to successful internet research?

6. What is 'social bookmarking'?

7. What does 'a search strategy' mean?

8. When judging a website, what is the 'WWW technique?

9. What does URL mean? What can the URL tell us?

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