Thursday 30 August 2012

'Nominalisation' exercise

Below are some possible answers to the exercise you started in class. These are not the ONLY answers, just suggestions. You may have other answers which are equally possible.

2. Failure of their exams was a great disappointment to the students.

3. Her review of the book appeared in the Sunday Times.

4. Extraction of coal from underground mines is more expensive.

5. Many of the contributors showed great generosity.

6. The increase in crime last year is of concern / causes concern to the police.

7. There is a scarcity of water in many parts of the world.

8. The admission by the scientist that he had falsified his research resulted in his dismissal.

9. Many emerging countries believe in the importance of independence.

You'll notice that in some of the suggested answers I've used collocations to rewrite the sentence.
For example, 'great disappointment', 'show generosity', 'to be of concern'. Some words are often found together - this is called collocation and is a really important area to focus on if you want to improve your English. Make sure you look at the information on Page 3 of the handout I gave you in class...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I believe a person can manage to study on his or her own, but for this you need strong motivation, and i can share some tips concerning this:
15 Rules of Motivation.