Thursday, 22 August 2013

Learning Academic Vocabulary

A very nice person in Holland has created a beautiful guide to help you study and learn words on the Academic Word List.

1. Look at the page which you can find at:

Read the information then try to answer the following questions:

1. Why is trying to learn long lists of vocabulary 'by heart' difficult?

2. What are the advantages of using the Academic Word List (AWL)?

3. How many words are there on the list and where do they come from?

4. What is the difference between the AWL Highlighter and the AWL Gapmaker?

5. Try Copying and Pasting your essay draft into the Highlighter and submitting it on level 10 - how many of your words are on the list? Do you repeat the same word a lot?

Have a look at the links below for more resources and practice exercises.

Nb: You don't have to learn all the words on all the sub-lists, but you should at least be aware of the importance of these words and do your best to familiarise yourself with some of them and use them where possible. 

2. It's a good idea to create your own glossary of words related to your subject. It's likely that your subject area will have its own particular vocabulary and jargon - why not organise a list of words related to your subject? When you write a word down, try to include an example, other words in that family if there are any, and pronunciation tips as well as just a translation into your own language. 

You'll find some example glossaries below:

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