Research Topics and links

 Research report - ideas..

Try the following websites to help you get some ideas. Also, read newspapers, watch TV news, talk to friends. 


Office for National Statistics

EAP Month One - First seminar: The Media

Here are some links to useful sources of information for your media seminar:

BBC Charter for Media Literacy

Media Studies - The next generation

Global TV Market data

And an excellent song by the Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy - 'Television, the drug of the nation'

These will help to give you a general idea, but for more 'academic' information and research, you will need to search a little deeper. Try the recommendations from the library . To access some journal articles, you will need your Username and Password.

You might also like to watch some videos on the subject:

You might like to watch a couple of short videos on the subject of media literacy and the influence of TV.
To find them go to Google Video and search for 'Panorama - Is TV bad for my kids?' and 'Becoming the Media' (Parts 1 and 2). And a discussion 'Media Literacy - The experts' here
Have a nice weekend..